Chiquihuite Cave artifact nr. 609

Lithic artifact #609 (inv. 406-9792). Excavation X-12 (2016). Tool on flake or plaquette, edge-trimmed, presumed projectile point, stratum 1206, stratigraphic component B (SC-B). Age: Pleistocene, post-LGM, pre-Younger Dryas.Calcite-rich, recrystallized limestone.
See details in: Ardelean, C.F. (2022) The lithic artefacts from Chiquihuite Cave. A Pleistocene assemblage in Mexico, p. 672-673. Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico. This 3D model was created at the LANCIC-IFUNAM laboratory in Mexico City, using the structured light technique, and is part of the following copyrighted publication: Ardelean, C.F., A. Mitrani, and J.L. Ruvalcaba-Sil (2022), 3D models of seventy-seven representative stone tools from Chiquihuite Cave, Zacatecas, Mexico, p. 54, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, México. ISBN: 978-607-555-143-2. DOI:

Copyright: Ciprian F. Ardelean, Alejandro Mitrani, José Luis Ruvalcaba-Sil, LANCIC-IFUNAM, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas

Collection: Chiquihuite Cave Lithic Artifacts. Main Collection